Welcome to Per Sebek!

Please see the changelog for site updates! - last update 2/8/24

This is the latest iteration of a project I started in 2004, which was about documenting all the information about Sobek that I could find and sharing it for other Sobek devotees to find. It took form as an angelfire website (now defunct), before moving to a wordpress blog (now archived), and then again to a neocities site.

It's changed as I've changed, as my relationship to my gods has changed. As Year 32 approaches, the year of Sobek-Ra, I feel it's time to put some more focus onto this site and add more content to it. I don't plan to repost everything on the wordpress site to here, but some of it will make its way over. Mostly I want to focus on new things, new writings, hekau, rites, prayers, that kind of thing.

I've also added a changlog above to keep track of what's new and been added, fixed, or changed. Keep an eye on that to see when things get added.

To add to this, I've also ressurected an old devotional sideblog on tumblr, and I plan to post updates on Per Sebek there, as well as write more blog style entries about my experiences and other things that are harder to post here. You can find it at persebek.tumblr.com. Feel free to follow it if that's your platform.

- Sobekemiti

1/8/24 | Epag 2 Heru-Wer, Year 31